When the church becomes the hub of hate and vitriol, and demotes Jesus to a mascot representing the same, those speaking of mercy and love will be expected to apologize!
When the church becomes the hub of hate and vitriol, and demotes Jesus to a mascot representing the same, those speaking of mercy and love will be expected to apologize!
RT @wRongKelly : The people that believe in #ClimateScam also believe in
Let that one Jésus Christ.
Take note.
If you believe a book that begins with a talking snake and ends with a seven headed dragon thingy, you’re disqualified from being taken seriously.
SERIOUSLY ...read more
Old.. Bold.. Cold..
The Omo One bones found in Ethiopia, dating back to 233,000 years, gives an idea that humans existed before 200,000 years. If deities created us, they should be 200,000 years old. Current belief systems all dated within 2000 BCE. Abrahamic religions, more widespread than varna, caste based Tribes, marginally surpass them in terms of sensibility. The oldest Christian sites only date back about 1,900 years as the only Son of God, born just two millennia ago.
Those in son's book prior to him should be viewed as messengers. It's intriguing to think about these men bringing together culturally similar communities, excluding large ethnic groups like Asians, Africans, & Indians. Imagine a book which copied most stories from older texts, added up new contexts for the only Son. The last Arab messenger emerged after 600 years from the son, replicating the son's sacred text while infusing it with local knowledge of the Arab worlds. His mission was to safeguard the Arab heritage & prevent conversions to Christianity, ensuring the preservation of their identity.
This Arab integrated contemporary knowledge & terminology into their new book. Verses on embryonic development were simple, as it mirrored observable stages in dissected corpses or aborted fetuses. Verses on the separation of sea waters came from local seafarers due to their activities in maritime trade. Both sacred texts primarily focus on a limited geographic perspective, featuring horses & camels while omitting references to penguins, kangaroos, tigers, & ancient creatures such as dinosaurs. These texts do not mention future innovations like mechanics, electronics, or electrical concepts. These scriptures sometimes appear comical, such as describing a flat Earth due to the limited understanding of their time.
This limitation isn't exclusive to these but applies to all religions in general. The concept of the only Son & the last messenger of humanity represents a small fraction of the collective knowledge from those eras, addressing very limited places, accounted for less than 5 percent of the population are useful as bed time story books with little information to convey..
- Kawin ...read more
Imagine if you carried on believing in Santa and the Tooth Fairy, well into adulthood.
And then started wars over it.
Imagine that ...read more
If you believe in anything imaginary more strongly than you have empathy for fellow humans, then you are a problem to humanity
Pope Benedict is dead. The Catholic Church is evil & has been for two thousand years. President Biden is a Catholic that oversees the most egregious evils in the world & still receives communion. Tear these systems down.
I’ve been a regular contributor on this atheist group page for a long time but I’ve finally reached my breaking point. Is it just me or does anyone else here notice that every single theist troll who posts or comments on this group page is nothing more than an utter imbecile? I’ve seriously yet to read anything even approaching a cogent argument from the theists who frequent this group page. They’re all literally idiots. Ladies and gentlemen… I think we have the answer to why there is theism in humanity. Basically… and from everything I’ve read in this group page through several years… theists are comprised of the dumbest people in society. They are (generally speaking) of lesser intelligence and less capable of critical thinking. They are by far the most credulous... the most gullible… the most easily led and the most easily manipulated in society. To add to that they are also the most stubborn in society. They aren’t interested in learning anything new. They refuse to learn anything that contradicts their presuppositions and they will cling to their presuppositional beliefs with all their might not because of hard evidence but because they want to believe what they want to believe. They actually NEED to believe what they believe. It’s the “crutch” that gets them through every day of their lives and without it they can’t survive. We atheists are basically banging our heads against a wall trying to reason with them because they cannot be reasoned with. So… as the new year approaches as of January 1st I am personally resolving to stop trying to reason with theists. I’m done here on this group page. I can’t argue with these people anymore. It’s a waste of my time. I’ve done my best but I humbly bow out now and leave it up to the rest of you to “fight the good fight.” I’m 63 years old and I don’t have enough time left in my life to waste it thumbing arguments into my phone trying to reason with hopelessly stupid people. You guys can carry on without me. Cheers, and good luck.
~Steve Tambosso ...read more
It strikes me now that there's a not-insiginificant overlap between the conventionally religious and those who tone policed me for not mourning the kkkween. Both think you can attribute much good to their figurehead, but the bad is someone else's fault.
@CateSask Thirty years ago I sent my 12 year old daughter to a religious summer camp in northern SK. She had just lost two friends in a car accident. The camp staff told her that her friends weren't in heaven bc they didn't belong to the right church. Untold harm.
@wendy64064720 x ...read more
INTERVIEWER: You said The Bible is your favorite book. Could you share with us your favorite passage?
GUY WHO NEVER READ A BOOK LET ALONE THE BIBLE: The part with the things... about the stuff...
Does the Bible not teach us “I'm gonna freak you here, I'm gonna freak you there, I'm gonna freak you out of this atmosphere”?