I really enjoyed talking to @mrbeast. What an interesting and thoughtful person, with a truly inspiring work ethic, and a really beautiful dedication to improving other people's lives. He's the number one content creator on @YouTube and when you hear his story and how he approaches his craft it's very obvious that his success isn't luck or an accident. The man is incredibly dedicated. Our podcast together is available now on @spotify
Today is day 10 of #worldcarnivoremonth and this is mostly what I'm eating; meat and eggs. I cheated one day and had some sushi, and a couple bites of a salad, but for the most part all I've been eating for 10 days is animal based food. The red stuff is @senorlechugahotsauce , which is an awesome small batch hot sauce company out of NYC. we did a collaboration, and released 3 sauces, including one of them that I loved that they did for my friends at @halfaceblades. If you like real serious heat and flavor check them out, but if you're into more milder sauces they probably aren't for you. So far the 10 days have been great on this diet, but there's a bit of an adjustment period for the first couple weeks where my workouts are a big of a slog. That's what I'm going though now. Totally manageable, but the adjustment to no carbs takes a couple weeks to get used to. I think I'm going to add in fruit to make that easier.
The Machine! In theaters soon! My brother @bertkreischer is killing it! Repost: @bertkreischer YOU GUYS MADE THIS HAPPEN!!! #TheMACHINEmovie is coming EXCLUSIVELY to theaters this Memorial Day Weekend AND there will be an exclusive live pre-show in over ONE THOUSAND theaters. Check out TheMachine for updates
The Machine! In theaters soon! My brother @bertkreischer is killing it! Repost: @bertkreischer YOU GUYS MADE THIS HAPPEN!!! #TheMACHINEmovie is coming EXCLUSIVELY to theaters this Memorial Day Weekend AND there will be an exclusive live pre-show in over ONE THOUSAND theaters. Check out TheMachine for updates
I was informed last night that this tweet is fake. The show was already out, so we initially decided to post a notice saying we got tricked, then later thought it best to just delete it from the episode. My sincere apologies to everyone, especially the person who got hoaxed. twitter ...read more