Can we somehow encourage Nick Cannon to get neutered?
Can we somehow encourage Nick Cannon to get neutered?
If you're thinking of signing up for TribelSocial, I'll warn you now, DON'T. You are opening yourself up to significant cyber security issues and data harvesting by a social media network operated by two people with known deceitful fundraising activities and unethical practices.
@travisakers more
My belief is that it aided tribalism which used to be a good thing in terms of survival in the ancient and prehistoric world, but now it has become a vestigial organ that could kill us. twitter
What's funny about the "gay marriage will lead to child marriage" people is that religious people loved marrying and fucking children for centuries until we put a stop to it in the modernity they despise as "degenerate".
Because so many Christians now don't give a shit about actual Christianity. Now they're team players to an Americanized bastardized version of Christian idolatry. It's an aesthetic of imposed principles without adherence to them. Literal virtue signaling. twitter
@DarkMatter2525 more
What are the christians saying god's reason for Hurricane Ian is? Can't be Trans kids again.
For months, maybe even a year, there wasn't a single car going by that wasn't banging that track on repeat. twitter
Coolio's longtime manager, Jarez, says Coolio went to the bathroom at his friend's house, but when he didn't come after a while ... the friend kept calling for him, and eventually went in and found Coolio laying on the floor.
NEW: podcast companies are buying millions of listens through auto-playing episodes populated in free mobile games. iHeart, the top podcast publisher on Podtrac, has bought around 6 million unique downloads per month since 2018 bloomberg
@ashleyrcarman more
Look, I'm mad right now.
Bout to dropkick a guard's fuzzy hat right now.
#QueenElizabeth is having the funeral meant for Pat Stay right now.
Should be taking that casket to a bat cave right now.
Too many kings rolling in their grave right now.
#QueenElizabethII #queensfuneral more