Parts Used
The root is usually the part used medicinally. The leaves can be used medicinally but rarely are. The root of the plant is generally about the thickness of a pencil, and has a light tannish color on the thin exterior bark and a brilliant yellow on the interior. It’s pretty. The root is exceptionally bitter due to the many alkaloids present.

Preparation and Dosage
Cryptolepis can be prepared as a powder, capsules, tea or tincture.

• Powder: For bacterial infections of the skin and wound sepsis, liberally sprinkle cryptolepis powder on the site of infection as frequently as needed.

• Tincture: 1:5 (ratio of plant material to alcohol/water mix), 60 percent alcohol, 20 to 40 drops, up to four times daily

For resistant staph: In the treatment of severe systemic staph infection, the usual dose is 1⁄2 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon, three times daily. (I prefer to not use dosages this high for more than 60 days. That is usually sufficient.)
For malaria: 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon, three times daily for five days, repeat in 14 days

• Tea: Use 1 tablespoon cryptolepis in 6 ounces of water to make a strong infusion.

As a preventive: Drink 1 or 2 cups daily.
In acute conditions: Drink up to 6 cups daily.

Note: While the herb will work if infused in cold water, studies have found that the hot-water extraction is more effective. It is nearly as strong as the alcohol tincture.

• Capsules:
As a preventive: Take 3 “00” capsules, two times daily.
In acute conditions: Take up to 20 capsules daily. more

*Cryptolepis* _Parts Used_ The root is usually the part used medicinally. The leaves can be used medicinally but rarely are. The root of the plant is generally about the thickness of a pencil, and has a light tannish color on the thin exterior bark and a brilliant yellow on the interior. It’s pretty. The root is exceptionally bitter due to the many alkaloids present.  _Preparation and Dosage_ Cryptolepis can be prepared as a powder, capsules, tea or tincture.  *• Powder:* For bacterial infections of the skin and wound sepsis, liberally sprinkle cryptolepis powder on the site of infection as frequently as needed.  *• Tincture:* 1:5 (ratio of plant material to alcohol/water mix), 60 percent alcohol, 20 to 40 drops, up to four times daily  *For resistant staph:* In the treatment of severe systemic staph infection, the usual dose is 1⁄2 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon, three times daily. (I prefer to not use dosages this high for more than 60 days. That is usually sufficient.) *For malaria:* 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon, three times daily for five days, repeat in 14 days  *• Tea:* Use 1 tablespoon cryptolepis in 6 ounces of water to make a strong infusion.  *As a preventive:* Drink 1 or 2 cups daily. In acute conditions: Drink up to 6 cups daily.  *Note:* While the herb will work if infused in cold water, studies have found that the hot-water extraction is more effective. It is nearly as strong as the alcohol tincture.  *• Capsules:* As a preventive: Take 3 “00” capsules, two times daily. In acute conditions: Take up to 20 capsules daily.