"I got a sliver today.
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This year I've manged to avoid setting myself on fire, being electrocuted, neglected to blow myself up, only broke one finger, no minor concussions, possibly no major concussions, avoided falling off of a building, never bit or was bitten by any animals (wild or domestic), haven't wrapped my hair around a drill chuck, went through zero windshields, kept the quad out of the pond, didn't choke on to many fruits (wild or domestic), only made four spelling mistakes(Inkluding this one), had no physical altercations with any customer(wild or domestic), and I only got hit by a car once. . .
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. . goddamn. If repeating any of those things meant getting rid of this sliver. . . "
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 ~Real Jay not Facebook Jay... 20 minutes before balancing the opposite hand with a paper-cut.  
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