The past year has been a cocooning period of sorts for me. I went from being too busy to truly take in all that is happening in the world to overwhelmed with feeling it all.
I am now getting used to my new wings, my new way of being and this adjustment period is taking time. I am learning more than ever to be gentle with myself.
I used to be the planner of gatherings and the keeper of peace… now I am learning that just because I have the time for something doesn't mean I have the energy for it… and just because a relationship isn't what it was doesn't mean I have to force it back into the box it was in.
Life is constantly changing. In some ways I feel like I am starting fresh. Deeply nurturing myself and my family, slowly adding things into our life that support our way of living simply.
This comes at a cost, no doubt. A cost of letting go… of beliefs, behaviours, relationships, and expectations of others. This is definitely not easy but nonetheless necessary.
The world we all lived in is no more. The Old World is still there with its collapsing systems, distractions from what really matters, keeping us separate and afraid… but a New Earth has been emerging, one of strength from within, sharing our passion and abilities, building strong communities, being at ease with the process and ABUNDANCE, ABUNDANCE, ABUNDANCE.
I don't have all the answers and I am fumbling everyday as I learn this new way of being True to myself. But the courage that I have developed is helping me through…
I have always prayed and been grateful for a close family, inner strength, health and happiness… and look what I was given… three years of uninterrupted quality time with the ones I love and stillness like never before. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Life is happening FOR US.
We are the CREATORS.
May we all remember that WE WERE BORN FOR THIS TIME ๐Ÿ’—


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