16 years ago today...
June 17, 2004
Birmingham saw its deadliest day in the history of the police department.
4 cops were shot, 3 died.
The shooter, Kerry Spencer is currently sitting on death row.
Nate Woods another man in the home who never touched a gun or pulled the trigger, was lynched aka murdered by the state of Alabama on March 5th.
It is an undisputed fact that he didn’t kill anybody, the surviving officer admitted this on the stand during the trial.
He was sentenced to death for being “complicit”
The system painted quite a picture for the world.
They said Nate Woods “lured the officers in”
Well let’s discuss that theory for a second...
They had already been by twice that day and said they’d be back with body bags after calling them the N word and other racial slurs multiple times. How did he “lure” them in if they stopped by on their own free will? The 3rd time they came with a “warrant” Again if you believe that theory, it completely contradicts that they were “lured” in as rather they forced their way in. However, the warrant was never found at the scene of the crime nor was it found in the system. Bystanders have gone on record to state that nobody saw either cop “holding a piece of paper aka a warrant”

These cops were dirty. They were as dirty as they come. This wasn’t allowed to be said at the trial, so technically the verdict should be dismissed as it was based off of lies which means there should be a mistrial or at the very least the case should be reopened. One of the cops was giving the girls drugs and prostituting then out of as well as raping the women and terrorizing the community of Ensley. They were extorting the drug dealer to protect his business by taking a cut and making sure he was the only game in town as well as giving a heads up as to when there would be drug busts/raids.
How is it that a jury of 12 which was NOT UNANIMOUS can sentence somebody to death but 700,000 people can’t stop the execution?
Alabama was the ONLY state that allows non unanimous sentencing for the death penalty up until January 2020 when Florida reinstated this backwards and racist policy. (cont’d in comments)

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