yesterday marked my final performance with my fabulous seniors. my best friends :) i am beyond proud of this class. we have been working onyesterday marked my final performance with my fabulous seniors. my best friends :) i am beyond proud of this class. we have been working on bloom since september and the day has finally come where we get to show off our work to the world. it’s crazy to think that we created this by ourselves. we wrote, directed, and acted in everything. advanced theatre was by far my favorite class not only because it’s theatre but also because of the people. when i’m dealing with a lot or having a bad day and i walk into class or rehearsal i immediately feel at home. we’re a family here and i love how close we’ve gotten this year. i was honestly nervous to perform in front of the whole school but i gained the confidence because i had amazing people by my side. i will never forget this experience and i’m glad i got the chance to take a final bow with my best friends.

pic creds: @nat.k0 @kenziecarruthers more

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