♥️ The best love is the one you fell in accidentally. The strongest love is the one you fell in unexpectedly. The truest love is the one you fell in wholeheartedly. ♥
♥️ The best love is the one you fell in accidentally. The strongest love is the one you fell in unexpectedly. The truest love is the one you fell in wholeheartedly. ♥
white dudes in 2016: “grab em by the pussy” this is fine and no big deal
white dudes in 2020: “defund the police” i DoNt GeT iT waaaaaaaa
Life's blows cannot break a person whose spirit is warmed at the fire of enthusiasm.
"Be who you really are and go the whole way."
❖ Lao Tzu
I think some souls have a way of connecting without our knowledge. That’s why you can meet someone for the first time, but inside you just know. You know it is not the first time you’ve felt them.
#souls #twoSouls #soulmates #soulmate #soulQuotes #love #connection #meetingSomeone #firstMeeting #relationships #iFeelYou ...read more
If they kept you a secret, imagine the secrets they kept from you.
Six months ago, two people were confessing... now they're total strangers.
And she couldn't be happier. ❤️
The older I get, the less I care about what people think of me. Therefore the older I get, the more I enjoy life.
100 on the dash get me close to God
We don't pray for love, we just pray for cars
can't believe the tik tok teens have just discovered yoga pants and they're calling them flared leggings I hate it here
"You don't have to like or admire someone to feel compassion for that person. All you have to do is wish for that person to be happy."
❖ Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Isn’t it weird that some people are up at 3 am missing somebody, and there’s other people sound asleep with no idea they’re being missed?