as soon as i finished my boba i made him take me straight to happy lemon again
~ELSA BURNETT on elsajburnett
University of Arkansas Zeta Tau Alpha
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My podcast is just an hour of expletives. New episodes drop every Monday.
zeta is forever 🖤🖤🖤 thankful for my best friends
~ELSA BURNETT on elsajburnett
@aidannsmithhh @kendall.hardesty @arringtonfloyd @carolinemhall_ @bridgette.secrist @kateblackford_ @isla_gilmour
University of Arkansas Zeta Tau Alpha
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@kateblackford_ @kendall.hardesty @arringtonfloyd @carolinemhall_ @bridgette.secrist @isla_gilmour
Will @Starbucks still honor my reward points if society collapses?
Everyone bitches about Monday, as if Tuesday doesn't also stink, followed closely by Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
PRODUCER: That was the most powerful audition any of us have ever experienced.
ACTOR: Thank you so much.
PRODUCER: Unfortunately, we're going with Charlton Heston's stepson's god-nephew. He decided to give acting a try since his landscaping business is slow. more
I only want to know things that are none of my fucking business.
I guess every generation gets their flinty blonde conservative provocateur who says outrageous things. Tomi Lahren is the most vapid one yet