Olivia Nachle as olivianachle ♑

fairies exist and they are all around reminding us to find the beautiful, the inspiring, the positive.
@renatafdiehl is my little shining fairy on earth and i couldn’t be more grateful for her life and existence. may universe keep nourishing you with all the good you spread ✨may your creativity keeps flourishing and creating so much magic in this planet ✨ may your voice and energy keep inspiring so many humans.
much much love 🤍

 ~olivia nachle on olivianachle  


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    to my english speaker friends:

    Amazonia has been on fire for 16 days. yes, it is dry season now but this is getting worse and worse every year. most of the burns are made by humans. clearing land for cattle ranching is the larger driver of deforestation. Brazil’s president is stupid and has said that “only those vegans who eat vegetables worry about environmental issues”. 2 days ago, a huge black cloud of smoke arrived in São Paulo, the biggest city of Brazil, 2700km far from Amazônia and people felt that there’s something wrong going on.
    what I said in my long stories, basically, is that I see all this sadness as a huge opportunity for people to reconnect, to feel more, to understand that YES, WE ARE ALL CONNECTED. most of the population lives in cities, in an automatic mode. we are always busy, we don’t have time for anything, we don’t remember that if there’s no nature, there’s no us. no money, no cities, no work, anything.

    i truly believe that we only change habits if we FEEL. so there’s a huge call: LETS FEEL MORE! lets connect to ourselves and to Mother Earth.
    lets’s take 10 minutes everyday to breath while listening to some forest song and to send good thoughts to Her.
    let’s keep trusting that there’s lot of bad things happening, but many many many more amazing ones happening at the same time. let’s keep moving, doing our own part. being conscious about what we eat and who we support. let’s keep flowing and feeling.
    we are all one <3 @olivianachle
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    to my english speaker friends:

Amazonia has been on fire for 16 days. yes, it is dry season now but this is getting worse and worse every year. most of the burns are made by humans. clearing land for cattle ranching is the larger driver of deforestation. Brazil’s president is stupid and has said that “only those vegans who eat vegetables worry about environmental issues”. 2 days ago, a huge black cloud of smoke arrived in São Paulo, the biggest city of Brazil, 2700km far from Amazônia and people felt that there’s something wrong going on. 
what I said in my long stories, basically, is that I see all this sadness as a huge opportunity for people to reconnect, to feel more, to understand that YES, WE ARE ALL CONNECTED. most of the population lives in cities, in an automatic mode. we are always busy, we don’t have time for anything, we don’t remember that if there’s no nature, there’s no us. no money, no cities, no work, anything.

i truly believe that we only change habits if we FEEL. so there’s a huge call: LETS FEEL MORE! lets connect to ourselves and to Mother Earth. 
lets’s take 10 minutes everyday to breath while listening to some forest song and to send good thoughts to Her. 
let’s keep trusting that there’s lot of bad things happening, but many many many more amazing ones happening at the same time. let’s keep moving, doing our own part. being conscious about what we eat and who we support. let’s keep flowing and feeling. 
we are all one <3 @olivianachle