uw madison
sc: lbloxdorf4
"> Lauren Bloxdorf as lauren_bloxdorf ♑

SPECIAL TEXT UPDATE: removing the white spaces on either side of the special characters ( *-/!@$~ ), the new texts are as follows

* bold *
The asterisk produces bold text.
Asterisks are not needed around words with a colon:

strike through
the hyphens -cross out- a text.

/ opaque/italic /
the slashes lean your text .

@ is still a handle
$ is still the grift site, ie: $cashapp
 ~The tilde is a search  

! is for mapping !
You are  here 
...read more

    The social network disclosed the amount in its quarterly financial results, saying it estimated a one-time charge of $3 billion to $5 billion in connection with an “ongoing inquiry” by the F.T.C. Facebook added that “the matter remains unresolved, and there can be no assurance as to the timing or the terms of any final outcome.” ...read more

    Facebook and the agency have been in negotiations over a financial penalty for claims that the company violated a 2011 consent decree.